Give feedback
You can give Helsinki Transport Service feedback by calling our feedback service, sending an email, or through the City of Helsinki’s electronic feedback service. We read every piece of feedback and respond to it, be it about disability services social work, our customer service centre or an operator. If necessary, we will forward the feedback to the appropriate party.
Ring our feedback number: tel. +358 (0)9 231 23 002(Link starts a phone call)
helsinginmatkapalvelu@hel.fi(Link opens default mail program)
Send us feedback through City of Helsinki's feedback service
We recommend you log in if your feedback contains sensitive information, such as health information. When you log in to the service, we can verify your identity and you can receive a personal reply, even for feedback containing sensitive information.
Go to City of Helsinki's feedback service(Link leads to external service)
Choose a topic
When providing feedback on Helsinki Transport Service, please select the topic:
- Health, social and rescue services.
- Specify the topic by selecting family and social services.
- If you wish, you can further refine the topic after this.
Select: Give feedback
You can log in if you wish. Logging in requires strong authentication.
If you wish, you can set a location for your feedback or choose next.
Give additional information on your feedback
Give a subject for your feedback and include further details about it. Also, choose whether you would like to receive a reply to your feedback. If you wish, you can leave your contact information and give permission for your feedback to be published.
Send feedback
We will answer your message within a week.