Procurements and tendering

Palvelukeskus Helsinki’s procurement and tendering unit carries out, maintains and develops tendering processes, procurements and agreement management. We work in close cooperation with the procurement unit of the Helsinki City Executive Office and other stakeholders.

Through procurements, we ensure the availability of products and services with agreement prices and conditions achieved through tendering processes.

Palvelukeskus Helsinki’s procurement strategy themes are effectiveness, responsibility, a functional market, financial sustainability and information management. 

Calls for tenders

Palvelukeskus Helsinki’s calls for tenders that exceed the national and EU-level threshold value are published in the public procurement service HILMA.

You can find all procurement notices published by us by entering the search words “Helsingin kaupungin palvelukeskusliikelaitos” into the search field of HILMA.

Go to the HILMA service(Link leads to external service)

Materials related to our calls for tenders and their attachments are available free of charge and without restrictions at the address, where tenders are also submitted within the times specified in each call.

Go to the Cloudia Supplier Portal website(Link leads to external service)