Snacks at afternoon clubs and schools

We prepare nutritious snacks for afternoon clubs at schools and playgrounds. In addition, pupils can also buy affordable snacks at many of our school restaurants.

Afternoon club snacks

We prepare snacks for school afternoon activities during school terms and for afternoon clubs at playgrounds. Snack examples include bread with cold cuts or sliced cheese, pancakes, fruit or berry porridge and yoghurt.

We ask you to always check the suitability of the snack at the serving place if you are allergic to any ingredients. On this site you can find the afternoon club snack lists of the schools where Palvelukeskus Helsinki provides food services.

Snack sales at schools

Many of our school restaurants also sell affordable snacks. Their prices range from 20 or 30 cents to a few euro. You can pay for a snack with a snack card, the value of which is €10. The card can be used as long as it has value. You can get the card from the school restaurant by showing the receipt. The receipt should have the guardian’s signature and a date.

The snack card is paid to the bank using one of the following accounts:

  • Danske Bank FI28 8000 1100 3960 02 DABAFIHH
  • Nordea FI24 1572 3000 3304 31 NDEAFIHH
  • OKO FI27 5000 0120 2429 78 OKOYFIHH

Reference: 307090 30349 09502

Recipient: Palvelukeskus / monipalvelut

At some schools, you can also pay for snacks with a debit card or cash. You can check with your school restaurant to see which payment options are available. We recommend that you ask your bank for the most suitable means of payment for your child.